17 years is is a long period.It is a gap big enough to heal many a wounds,wash away many a memories, make people forget their worst nightmares.But even the world's best medicine,time, failed to remove the scars inflicted on that fateful day,-6 December 1992.It was the day when God did something even devil will tremble to do. For 17 yrs people waited with hopeful eyes for something that has become dubious in this country-justice.After 17 yrs , a man comes and proves their worst fears that justice here is a right denied to the common man.A man named Liberhan.It took Mr. Liberhan 17 yrs to what every man in India already knew.And what he should have written, his pen shied away.Liberhan might well be India's next entry to Guinnes Book of Records for being the author of a report that may be the world's most delayed report.This gentleman took 17 yrs, 48 extentions,spent 8 cr of public money & produced 960 pages of crap.The report failed to mention any single person responsible for the demolition of the masjid.The report names 78 people culpable for arousing sentiments of people leading to Babri's fate.But action has been recommended against them.That means we have the criminals but no punishment.So, its party time for sangh parivar coz this issue brought BJP & its allies back to limelight who were otherwise lost somewhere in the darkness.Narsimha Rao came out neat from this mess with the report stating he was innocent enough to know anything becoz of lack of intelligence reports.(Did Rao need a report when even a fruit vendor of Delhi's bazaar knew exactly what was going in UP during that period?) Atal Bihari Vajpayee's reputation was tainted though(But then again he is no saint either.) People like Thackeray,Advani,Kalyan singh,Vinay Katiyar,Vaghela are walking under the sky of freedom & probably planning another dharma yudh.In this battle between Ram & Allah who won no one knows............but common man's blood was sacrificed as always.Babri has turned to dust & so has our dream of justice............................................. Not satisfied with the current report? Want another report to fill in the loopholes of Liberhan report. Wait for another 17 years..................................